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Hot and cold food smokingAs far as I know, the only page I failed to save from
the old site was the one from The Online Cookbook
on hot-smoked salmon. In fact, my adventures with
hot-smoking salmon came to an abrupt end when I smoked
£70-worth of fish for my daughter Sarah's wedding in
June 2013. Probably because I didn't clean out the Abu
Roken smoker thoroughly after each of the many batches,
my little meths burner managed to burn a big hole in the
heavy-gauge steel bottom. Always at a loss to buy presents for 'the man who has
everything', Patricia suggested that I might like a new
Abu smoker for my birthday in January 2014. We did some
research on the web and ended up starting me on a whole
new hobby! I'll try to recap the important things I've learnt
about hot-smoking, but I'll start with the new
venture... Getting into cold smokingWhen you hot-smoke food, it smokes and cooks at the same
time. After salt-curing for a couple of hours, my usual
portions of salmon fillet cook and smoke in about 20
minutes. Cold smoking - the process that produces what most of us
know as 'smoked salmon' - is quite different. For a
start, the food isn't cooked at all, so the salt curing is
needed for preservation as well as for flavour, and seems
from the contraductrory information I've found on the web
to go on for much longer. The food is then smoked at low
temperature - the cooler the better, it seems, to the
extent that people doing it in hot climates often put
trays of ice in the smoker! - for many hours. Clearly this
is a much more challenging process, and as I write this I
am right at the very beginning of the learning curve. I've
produced one 250-gram batch of smoked salmon, which I
judged to be over-salted and under-smoked, but which I ate
with some enjoyment last week. The equipmentPatricia felt that the cost of the replacement hot smoker
wasn't quite enough as a birthday present, so we agreed
that she could add a smoke generator for cold smoking and
I would build a housing for it. A bit more research
suggested that the racks and drip-trays I'd need might be
difficult to find without the housing, so I decided to buy
a cardboard one! No, really! I said you cold-smoke at a
low temperatrure, and to prove this you can do it in a
cardboard box. Well, actually two cardboard boxes,
one inside the other. The product Patricia ordered is a ProQ Cold Smoke
Generator, bought from MacsBBQ
via Amazon. This is a remarkably ingenious piece of kit in
which wood dust will smoulder gently in a square spiral
made from steel rod and metal gauze. I dimly remember from
second-form science that a flame will not travel through a
fine gauze, and this device is a superb illustration of
that. Here's a picture taken this morning when testing
some smoking dust which I've had for a few years. If you
look very carefully you can see a curl of smoke towards
the right side of the picture.
The dust is contained in a square-spiral channel of
metal gauze. It is ignited by a tea-light placed in
a special holder under the beginning of the spiral
(top centre). The smoulder point then moves round
the spiral very slowly - this picture was taken
after about two-and-a-half hours. The other piece of equipment, which I bought from a company called SousChef, is the ProQ Eco Smoker. Basically, it consists of two currugated-cardboard boxes, one of which fits closely inside the other.
The ProQ Eco Smoker
The inside of the Eco Smoker
The upper drip tray and the three
racks rest on ingenious push-ins cut into the
corners of the inner box. The observant user will notice that the right-hand flap
is somewhat curly. This is due to water damage caused by a
burst pipe, which caused a rain shower in our garage just
after I'd done the first test of the smoker. Fortunately,
corrugated cardboard is easily repaired with ordinary
brown paper and PVA adhesive, and as I write the smoker is
ready for use. I am less concerned about this water damage than I could
be because I am already planning to build a more permanent
box, probably from MDF. This will allow better control of
the air flow, which is pretty poor with the cardboard
version - particularly with distortion from the water
damage - because the box top doesn't fit very well. The first testThis happened before the deluge. I used a nice tail
fillet of salmon which I salt-cured for a couple of hours
in the way I'd always done for hot-smoking: a couple of
hours liberally sprinkled - 'smothered' might be more
accurate - with sea salt. This was then washed and dried
with kitchen roll and smoked for about six and a half
hours, which is how long the bag of dust provided with the
smoke generator lasted. The resulting smoked salmon looked and felt pretty
convincing, and was more than edible, but was obviously
over-salted and under-smoked. I vac-packed 200 grams and
gave it to stepson Alistair, who assured me that he liked
his salmon nice and salty. I then ate the rest over a few
days. A slight delayThen came the deluge. On the Sunday morning Patricia went
out to the freezer in the garage and rushed back to report
a flood. When I got out there, I found well over a inch of
water on the concrete floor and water running down the
wall. Worse, the water had obviously run over the
tongue-and-groove pine flooring I'd laid to provide a
usable attic for storage. I put the lights on, hurried up
the ladder and discovered that the water was pouring out
of the polyurethane foam insulation covering a mains water
pipe that emerged from the house wall and ran along to
feed a tap inside the front door of the garage - very
handy for washing the car. There was a waterfall down the
brick wall and a strong jet onto the attic flooring. I
rushed down and closed the main stopcock under the
bathroom floor and this stopped the flow - but left us
with no water supply. Then I remembered that the excellent
plumber who had installed our new boiler and shower when
we moved in seven years before had put isolating valves in
the hot and cold feed pipes, conveniently just inside the
eaves loft door in our bedroom. I turned off the cold
water there, which meant that only our en-suite lost its
supply. On Monday our new plumber arrived and replaced a
length of pipe, which had been corroded by the cement
mortar where it went through the wall to the garage. It took the ProQ Eco Smoker box a few days tro dry out in
the conservatory, which Mother Nature graciously provided
with a little sunshine at the end of January. Back on taskWhile I waited for it to dry, I did a test with the oak
sawdust which had been lurking in the shed for two or
three years, a very small amount being used for hot
smoking. This was a gift from my fishmonger, Darren
Jelley, from whom I buy fish on Worksop market every
Wednesday. When I first rescued my Abu hot-smoker from the
shed, I bought a bag of the official wood dust on
Ebay, and I happened to mention this to Darren when buying
some salmon from him. He said that there was a smokery
next door to his premises in Grimsby and that he could get
me some dust from there. He was as good as his word, and a
couple of weeks later pulled a bag out from behind his
van. It was about the size of a hunredweight sack of coal,
and almost too heavy for me to manhandle across the car
park. Darren's passing shot was 'Let me know when you need
some more.' Not in this life, I thought! I had read during my recent web-wandering that dust for
cold smoking needs to be really dry, so I had put a
roasting tin full of Darren's dust in the oven at 100°C
for 24 hours. At 9:15 yesterday I loaded the cold smoke
generator with this, being very careful not to overdo it
and provide a bridge between the arms of the spiral, and
put a lighted tea-light in position. The dust quickly
started smouldering, and went on very nicely after I had
removed the tea-light until I checked it at 22:45 - twelve
and a quarter hours later. All the dust appeared to have
been consumed, but when I knocked the black residue out
into my workshop bin there were still some bright sparks,
so I had to put the bin outside for the night! During the day I had been experimenting with some of my
dried dust. The dust supplied with the smoke generator had
seemed finer than mine, some almost like flour, so I had
used our fine kitchen sieve to separate some of the dried
dust into two fractions. I had then gone on to put some in
the blender, but that had not managed the dust very well.
However, our small food-processor (if you've read The Online Cookbook
you'll know that we couldn't possibly have just one!) did
a much better job, with the dust spiralling round the
goblet violently and coming out much finer. Having established
arlier that the dust was fine just as it was, it was
probably pretty silly of me to use a 50/50 mix of the
dried and the processed dusts, but that is what I did this
morning (31 January 2014). It proved quite a lot harder to
light than the coarser stuff, and I was thinking of
emptying and re-charging the generator when it finally
caught. As I write, the smoker has been running for three
hours and is looking good. Finding useful informationI consider myself an expert web-user, skilled in finding
the information I'm looking for. I have to say that my
quest for hard information about salting and cold-smoking
has been one of the most frustrating ever. Many people
have committed their experience to websites, but very few
have produced anything clear. The salt-curing and smoking
times described vary wildly and I haven't found much
unanimity about cures. I was so frustrated that ended up
buying a book - not an e-book but one of those things with
printed paper pages! My cold smoker has stuff printed on the outside, amongst
it a web address:
This would be my source of hard information. Unfortunately
the Guides section's link to cold smoking yielded
just two lines:
'Thanks a bunch!' I snarled when the page opened. I
hit the Contact link and used the form to
complain politely but bitterly. To my delighted
amazement, I got a phone-call within 24 hours from a
very friendly and helpful guy who directed me to their
Links page and particularly to this link:
He also told me a bit about Jo Hampson and her book Smoking Food at Home. By the end of the day I had ordered it from her Ebay shop and it arrived yesterday. I scanned, skimmed and searched, and found that it was certainly more informative and authoritative than any of the sites I'd found previously. I picked out a few pretty crucial bits of information and then dug the two hefty tail fillets of salmon I had bought from Darren on Wednesday out the fridge. Getting seriousThe first vital piece of information I picked out of
Jo's book was a simple cure for salmon: two parts salt
to one part brown sugar. I made a batch of this up
using mostly Aldi fine sea salt and dark muscovado
sugar. The second was that you only cover the fish with
something like 'a light covering of snow' rather than
the thick, opaque covering I'm in the habit of using
for a short cure before hot smoking (which was what
I'd used for the first cold-smoked salmon, which
explained the excess saltiness). So I did this, but
unfortunately the sugar was in lumps, although I'd
tried to squash them when mixing. Before I use the
rest I'll put it through the food processor. I used a lipped baking sheet which I sprinkled with
the cure before laying the fillets skin-side down and
sprinkling them with cure. That was at 15:00. I
covered the fish lightly with clingfilm and put the
package at the bottom of the fridge. At 22:45 I took
the fish out of the fridge (7 hours 45 minutes curing
time). There was a lot of liquid on the sheet but
still some of the cure, now very wet. I rinsed the fillets very thoroughly, rubbing with my
hands to dislodge any residual cure. Then I blotted
them off with plenty of kitchen roll and laid them on
a cooling rack on top of the rinsed baking sheet. This
went back in the fridge. The fish was much darker in colour than it had been
when fresh and was noticeably thinner and stiffer. I couldn't find any tea-lights this morning, so I
tried lighting the 50/50 coarse/fine dust in smoke
generator with my blowtorch. I did this again at 09:55
and this time it was smoking fifteen minutes later. I
have the impression that the coarse dust which I had
used for the test yesterday burns more reliably than
the mixture - probably because more air is trapped
between the particles. By 11:40 almost all of the first arm of the spiral
was burnt black. By 12:20 the smoulder point (my own
self-invented jargon!) was halfway along the second
arm and by 13:45 the third arm had started burning.
The first two add up to 240mm of a total 865mm. 240mm
in 3 hours 55 minutes calculates roughly to a total
burn time of about 14 hours 30 minutes. That would
have the smoke stopping at around half past midnight.
It is now 17:00. We will see - although I am unlikely
to stay up to see the finish if it is that late. I have one nagging concern: I see less smoke escaping
from the box than I remember during the first smoking,
so I wonder if the 50/50 mix is working well. On the
other hand, the dust used in the first smoking burned
away in six and a half hours - less than half the
anticipated duration of today's burn, so maybe the
smoke will simply work more slowly but ultimately with
the same effect. At 1700 the smoulder point is halfway along the fifth
arm - a total of 555mm in 7 hours. That gives a
projected finish in a total of 10.9 hours - about
21:00. I kept checking about every 90 minutes through the
evening, and at 22:40 (13 hours after the burning had
stabilised) I found that all the dust had burned away.
The salmon was dry on the surface, quite firm and a
very nice colour. I vacuum-packed one fillet for the
freezer and clingfilmed the other for the fridge. First taste - Saturday 1 February 2014This morning () I cut a thin slice off the fillet in
the fridge. The oak smoke flavour is good, but the
fish is over-salty. The control with a long cure has
to be the total quantity of cure applied. I'm
surprised that Smoky Jo hasn't suggested a range of
ratios. I'll have a close look at the book and maybe
find something in the recipe section (later: I
didn't). And next time the cure will have been broken
down in the food processor to allow more control over
the sprinkle. I think I also need to adopt a trick recommended by
many writers, which is - once the cure is finished and
the fish is rinsed - to slice off a tiny sample and
taste it. This should be quite safe if the curing has
succeeded. If the salt level is too low, I could then
sprinkle a little more cure mix onto the fish and give
it anotjher couple of hours. If it is too high, I
could give the fish a couple of hours in clean water
and taste, adding more soak time for excess salt or a
little more salting as above if too low. I suppose there's no reason which I shouldn't soak
and re-smoke a finished fillet if it really is too
salty.. We had a generous portion each off one of the fillets
at lunchtime today, on wheat crackers spread thickly
with Philadelphia cream cheese. The saltiness was
strong, but not enough to mask the smokiness or
otherwise spoil the experience. The texture was
excellent - quite dry, with none of the limp
gelatinous quality you get in some commercial smoked
salmon. I managed to cut fairly thin slices with my
Dad's wonderful old ham knife, but next time I'll try
Smoky Jo's trick of putting the fish in the freezer
for 40 minutes to firm it for slicing. Third smoking - Thursday 6 FebruaryI bought snother nice big tail fillet of salmon
yesterday from Darren and this morning I gave it a
really good rinse and rub in fresh running water. It
was then blotted thoroughly with kitchen roll. While it was drying a little, I put the rest of the
salmon cure in the small food-processor and gave it a
reaL pasting, but the little balls of muscovado sugar
only got smaller. They refused to disappear
altogether. Mayb e demerara would have been better,,, I sprinkled a thin layer of the cure on a lipped
baking sheet, laid the salmon on this, skin-down, and
then sprinkled the meat side sparingly with the cure.
At least the session in the processor had improved the
cure's sprinkling properties! I aimed for Jo's light
sprinkling of snow, not trying to cover the colour of
the fish. After four hours quite a lot of liquid had been drawn
out of the salmon but it still seemed quite flabby, so
I set the timer for a further two hours. At the end of the six hours there was still some salt
left on the flesh side of the fillet. The fillet was
quite stiff compared to how it was when raw. I decided
to rinse the remaining cure off at this point and took
a thin slice off the thick end to taste. The flesh was
quite salty but nowhere near as salty as the first two
batches. Going for broke, I decided to put the fillet on a
rack on a tray and air-dry it overnight in the fridge.
This was done at 17:00, giving about 16 hours drying
time before I can get the smoker on, which in turn
will allow 12-14 hours smoking before bedtime
tomorrow. I decided not to blot excess moisture off
the fillet but to leave it to dry naturally in the
hope that the much-disussed pellicle would form. This
sticky coating is supposed to give the fish a gloss
and to absorb more smoke. Incidentally, I watched a YouTube video
showing how to assemble and use the Eco Smoker and was
told to put the bottom drip tray in upside-down, so I
have done this for tomorrow's smoke. It certainly
makes it easier to slide the lit smoke generatior in
and out, and - on reflection - I can see that the
pocket of air under the tray will provide some
insulation between the burning dust and the cardboard
bottom of the box. Friday 7 FebruaryThe fillet was dry but tacky to the touch this
morning, suggesting that it had formed a pellicle. I put the fillet on a rack in the middle position of
the Eco Smoker. I filled the smoke generator with the coarse fraction
of the sieved wood dust (see Back on task
above) and lit it using a tea-light at 08:50. It was
smoking gently at 09:00 but by 09:15 it had gone out.
I re-lit it and it was going well at 09:35 and again
at 09:50. At 10:30 smoke was clearly visible emerging around
the top of the Eco Smoker - more visible than on the
second smoke with the 50/50 coarse/fine mix, which
suggests that the coarse dust will burn away more
quickly. That is logical as there will be more air
between the grains. A check through the slot at the
bottom of the box showed that the smoulder point had
reached about halfway along the first leg of the
spiral. A calculation based on this suggests that the
burn will last 18 hours, but I find this highly
improbably, especially as the dust seems to be burning
faster than before! At 12:35, with the second leg of the spiral just
finished, the maths was looking a bit more sensible:
240mm in 200 minutes gives 865mm in 720 minutes -
exactly 12 hours. So smoking should finish around
21:15 tonight. By 14:15 most of leg 3 had burned away,
and doing the same arithmetic with my fairly rough
estimate of just how much had gone I got a projected
finish time of 22:30. To be honest, I probably don't really need to check
the generator this often, but if it did stop burning
for any reason I'd like to get it going again as soon
as possible. Saturday 8 FebruaryI checked again at 16:45 and 20:00, when all but the
final leg of the spiral were burnt through. At 22:30,
when I was quite keen to get myself and the dog off to
bed, there was very little unburnt dust left, though
there was a healthy red-hot cinder. Rather than leave
this to burn out untended, I decided to empty the
generator and take the fish into the house. After
inhaling the aroma, which was much smokier than
previously, I clingfilmed the fillet and left it in
the fridge. This morning it feels quite firm and
stiff, and I can't wait for a taste! Sunday 9 FebruaryI put the fillet in the freezer for 40 minutes and
cut a couple of small slices just as a taster at
lunchtime today. I thought the fish was less salty
than the last batch but still quite strong, and that
the smoky flavour was very mild even after 13¼ hours.
Much more palatable than the previous fish, though. I've read somewhere that oak is one of the
mildest-tasting woods for smoking, although
'oak-smoked' seem to be the label on just about all
smoked foods. It would be interesting to taste fish
smoked with other woods. Patricia never stops talking
nostalgically about the wonderful smell of apple logs
burning on home fires in Normandy. Maybe when I prune
our apple tree I can dry some of the wood and saw it
with my circular saw. Or maybe I could just buy some
apple dust. We'll be taking down a largish cherry tree
grown from a stone soon - maybe that would be
interesting, too... Monday 10 FebruaryI had a proper helping for lunch today. It actually
seemed to cut more easily and controllably without a
spell in the freezer. The colour is a stunning orange,
there is no sign of free moisture or oil and the
texture is fine and even, as if the fish has really
been cooked by the cure. It looks as if any fat layer
between the flakes has been cooked away leaving a
lovely even texture. The previous batch had seemed a bit gristly, but this
was perfectly tender. Most interestingly, it was far less salty than
before, and less so - I thought - than the little
taste I had yesterday. I wonder if that top slice had
had the salt concentrated in it and over 24 hours the
salt had spread itself more evenly through the flesh.
Maybe a freshly smoked fillet needs to mature in the
fridge for a couple of days to even out the flavour
from the cure. Eaten on a sliced sourdough roll, buttered and spread
with Phildelphia soft cheese, the fish was quite
delicious. I intend to take a sample to the market for Darren to
taste on Wednesday. Wednesday 12 FebruaryAs it turned out, when I got to Darren's stall he
told me he had been unable to get the curing salt he'd
promised me from the Grimsby smoklehouse. He promised
it next week. And I, in the rush to get out to the
market, had forgotten to bring him a sample from my
latest salmon! Better luck next time... I bought a tail-end from a large fillet and cut
enough to fry for our dinner from the little end. This
left a much heftier piece of fish for the next
smoking: 975 grams. At 13:30 I sprinkled a modest
layer of the cure on a lipped baking sheet and put the
fish skin-side down on this. Then I sprinkled cure
thinly on the flesh side, rubbing it over with a fin
ger to even out the layer. The tray was clingfilmed
and put in the fridge with a timer set to six hours.
At the end of this all the cure had disappeared, so I
gave the fish another light sprinkle and two more
hours in the fridge. At the end of this time I rinsed the fish thoroughly
and blotted it with kitchen roll. It was much darker
in colour, quite stiff and now weighed 540 grame - 28
grams (1 ounce) less than before. I ran it under the
cold tap to wet it and left it on a rack in the fridge
to air-dry. Thursday 13 FebruaryAt 09:40 I took the fillet from the fridge and
weighed it. It had lost no weight at all. I filled the
smoke generator with the coarse fraction of wood dust
and it failed to light first time. I sprinkled a
little of the fine fraction over the ignition area and
it ignited OK second time round. As the box, somewhat warped from its accidental
shower a couple of weeks ago, had been leaking smoke
all round the lid, I wrapped the top in wide clingfilm
with a finger-sized hole poked in it over the hole in
the box lid. There was still smoke issuing from the
edges of the film, so this obviously wan't a brilliant
idea - clingfilm doesn't cling very well to cardboard. When I went back for a look at 10:15 the generator
was burning well, but without much visible smoke
escaping. Again at 11:00, burning was satisfactory but
there still didn't seem to be much smoke at the top of
the box. Over coffee I was pondering, and began to wonder
whether my wood dust was too dry, having been
baked in the oven for several hours and kept in
airtight containers ever since. So, at 11:50, I took a
spray bottle of clean water out to the garage. The
first thing that struck me was that there was quite a
bit more smoke than before, but I went ahead and gave
the generator a light misting anyway. Maybe next time I'll leave a gap in the ignition area
when filling with the coarse dust and mist this a
little more before filling the ignition area with dry
dust mix. Nothing untoward to report until 23:00, when I
decided to stop the burn and go to bed. I removed the
smoke generator but left the fish in the box for
tomorrow. Friday 14 FebruaryAt 10:00 I half-filled the burner. At 10:15 there was
a reasonable amount of smoke from the top of the box,
but at 11:30 I had to stop the smoking to go shopping
(I'm still not keen to leave the system burning when
I'm asleep or out!). I left the generator on the
garage step, but it raied quite heavily while we were
shopping. I refilled it with Darren's Grimsby wood
dust straight from the bag and re-lit it. At 15:15 I
noted that it was still burning but not producting
much smoke. At 15:45 I made the same observation -
dust not dry enough or particle-size mix wrong? I
microwaved a bowl of the dust on the simmer setting
for next time. At 19:00 I stopped the smoking, The
fish now weighed 520 grams - 48 grans down from the
starting weight, which was around 8% weight-loss -
nothing like the 20% recommended for preservation. This piece iof fish looks beautiful. We'll probably
taste it at Saturday lunch tomorrow... Monday 17 FebruaryIn fact we didn't get round to tasting until
lunchtime today. The fish is delicious: not over-salty
and with a distinctly more smoky taste than before.
The colour is rich and the flesh is tender. The first
batch that is a real pleasure to eat. The proof is
that Patricia ate quite a lot and declared it very
good indeed. There is a clear lesson in the curing process adopted
for this batch: don't over-salt, but if all the salt
disappears springkle some more and give it another
couple of hours. And as far as smoking goes, it seems
you can't oversmoke using the Eco Smoker. Wednesday 19 FebruaryI delivered the last 100 grams or so of last week's
smoked salmon to Darren when I went to the market this
morning. It was a bit of a wrench parting with the
fish, which has been really delicious, but I want
Darren's unbiased reaction - and anyway it was smoked
with the wood dust he gave me and he has promised me
some curing salt from the Grimsby smokehouse as well.
He still hadn't managed to get the salt, but as I'm
quite happy with my sea-salt and dark muscovado cure
that wasn't a problem. I bought another big tail
fillet - weight 778 grams - to use for frying and
smoking. On the way home I remembered that we wouldn't need
salmon for frying this week, so I'll be smoking the
whole piece. Oh dear! So the whole piece was rinsed thoroughly and blotted
dry. A thin layer of cure was then sprinkled on the
lipped baking sheet and the salmon was laid on this
skin-side down. The flesh side was sprinkled quite
lightly with cure, which I rubbed over with my fingers
before covering the fillet loosely with clingfilm and
placing in the bottom of the fridge. At 12:25 the
timer was set for six hours, the plan being to check
for any residual salt after this time. There was none,
so the fillet wase given a further light sprinkle and
two more hours of curing. It was then rinsed and left
wet on a rack in the bottom of the fridge. I wouldn't be able to smoke the fish until Friday, so
it would get a good long rest in the fridge after the
cure. Friday 21 FebruaryThe fish was left air-drying in the fridge until this
morning, when I got up early to start the smoking. At
07:00 I filled the smoke generator with untreated
Grimsby wood dust (no sieving or pre-drying) and put
it in the oven set at 110°C while I took George the
dog for his daily morning walk. I also put the fish on
its rack in the smoker. It was quite glossy -
apparently the indication of a good pellicle. At 08:20. having fed the dog, I lit the generator
using a tea-light. Unfortunately the wick was rather
short so the flam didn't reach the fuel. I re-lit is
at 08:35 with a blowtorch and it was smoking well at
08:45. By 09:45 two thirds of the first leg of the
spiral had gone and by 10:45 the second leg had
started burning and by 11:15 was half burnt. At 15:10
the first four legs were gone and the smoke was still
coming out at the top of the box. By 19:45 just the
last three short legs were left unburnt and by 22:55
the generator was burnt out and stone cold, so the
smoking probably ended around 22:00 - a total smoke of
over 13 hours. The fish was left in the smoker as the night was
pretty chilly. Saturday 22 FebruaryThe plan had been to re-start smoking early this
morning, but we decided to go to Retford and I'm still
not quite confident enough to leave the burning
generator unattended. So I re-charged the generator
with untreated Grimsby wood dust and put it in the
oven. By the time we were ready to leave the oven
r=had reached about 190°C, so I turned it off to cool
naturally. At 13:10 I re-lit the generator with the
blowtorch, as the tea-lights I have been using are
just too puny. The fire took first time and by 14:25
the first leg of the spiral had almost burnt away.
Smoking was still going well at 15:25, two and a
quarter hours after lighting. If I leave it to run
until bedtime - around 23:00 - the fish will have had
a total of over 23 hours. Which is just what happened. At 22:50 I took the
smoke generator out into the garden and emptied the
still-smouldering remains of the dust out. Then I
transferred the fish, which was very firm and a lovely
dark orange colour, on its rack into the garage fridge
for the night, leaving it unwrapped so that it could
continue drying. Sunday 23 FebruaryThis morning I brought the fillet into the house. It
was dry to the touch and very still - I could hold it
by the tail end and it hardly drooped at all. I
weighed it and found to my amazement that it had gone
from 778 grams to 520 - a reduction of 33%! Smokin' Jo
says the weight should reduce by at least 20% for the
fish to be properly preserved, so I guess this piece
will be safe to eat. This piece of fish has spent a lot longer uncovered
in the fridge than the previous one, as well as having
longer in the smoker, so the air-drying must have
worked really well. Patricia and I had some for lunch, and it was firm
and dry, yet moist enough, with a nicely balanced
flavour and certainly not over-smoked after almost 24
hours in the box. The last lot was very good, but this
was definitely better. The depressing thing is that
you carve the thinnest slices you can manage and eat
what seems like a very modest portion, yet the fillet
seems to shrink very rapidly! A lifetime's supply of wood and salt!Wednesday 26 February 2014This morning my visit to Worksop market was more than
usually fruitful. As well as a fine South Coast Dover
sole (identified by its pale skin) for tonight's
dinner and another salmon tail fillet for smoking, I
got Darren's positive feedback on his sample from the
week-before-last's salmon. And I got a very large present - a bag of salt as
used by the Grimsby smokehouse next door to Darren's
premises. I say very large because it turned out to be
a 25-kilogram bag. Darren never does anything by
halves! He very kindly volunteered to put it in the
car for me - provided I could get the car into the
little blind alley behind his stall. Aided by Google
Maps on the new phone and advice from a lady who
way buying fish, Patricia and I managed the
complicated feat of navigation and Darren carried the
bag and put it in the boot. We headed for home and unloaded the shopping. Duly
fortified by two cups of strong Costa coffee (the
roast and ground, sold in 200-gram bags at better
supermarkets - very good indeed!), I lifted the bag
out of the car boot and staggered into the hall, where
I laid it as gently as possible on the hall table. A
second leg got it to the kitchen table, where I
managed to decipher the white text on the pale blue
bag: 'Pure Dried Salt - The Salt Company, Nantwich,
Cheshire'. There was also mention of an
anti-caking agent called - rather ominously, I thought
- sodium hexacyanoferrate. The 'cyano' bit always
sounds a little dodgy, potassium cyanide being one of
the most lethal of poisons, but it actually crops up
in all sorts of perfectly innocent chemical compounds. So to Google and a search for 'salt company
nantwich', which threw up plenty of hits, the top
being and yielding this: 'We can offer Uk
mined and packed Salt from 750 gram tubs to 12.5kg
bags. We can offer Israeli mined and packed Salt
from 10kg to 25kg bags'. The fifth link was to
was The Salt
Company - FJ Need (foods). A quick wander round
the site found - among other products - Pure Dried
Salt and the following information: 'Pure dried
salt is a refined natural sea salt. The salt is
produced by solar evaporation of sea water in ponds
located by the Red Sea coast. The salt manufacturing
is done without chemicals thus obtaining the white
crystal glaze. It is a high quality food grade salt.
Production conforms to IS0 9001.2000.' Some of
the company's salts are approved for use in organic
food production, so I seem to have stumbled on a
plentiful stock of really good salt for my curing
experiments - not to mention all domestic use for
years to come! Many thanks, Darren! The use of the word 'mined' is a bit odd. You don't mine sea salt. However, Cheshire has been an important source of rock salt, which is mined, since Roman times. We called in at the village Co-op on the way home
from the market and I found a pack of bagels from the
New York Bakery Co (made under licence in nearby
Rotherham!). Straight from the packet they weren't
brilliant, but lightly toasted and spread with butter,
Philly cheese and last week's salmon? Pretty superb!
The crumb became softer and the crispness was perfect. Thursday 27 February 2014The tail fillet I bought from Darren yesterday was a
lot smaller than the previous one - just 398 grams.
Probably lucky, because I wasn't my usual obsessively
organised self and I made a mess of the curing! At 09:25 I applied the cure and filmed and fridged
the fish as before, setting the timer for six hours. I
was busy when it went off, and although I intended to
go back to it as soon as I had finished what I was
doing, I forgot and didn't remember it until 22:10 - a
12¾-hour cure! All the salt and sugar had gone but I
decided not to give the fish the usual 2 hours with a
little more cure - not least because I didn't want to
stay up for another two hours! I rinsed the fish and
put it, wet and uncovered, on a rack in the garage
fridge before retiring. The flesh was not as firm as
last time but noticeably more so than when raw, and
the colour had darkened from 'salmon pink' to a nice
dark orange. The weight had fallen to 384 grams. Saturday 1 MarchIt wasn't convenient to smoke on Friday, so I left
the fish in the fridge until this morning. I
pre-heated the smoke generator in a hot oven while I
walked the dog and lit it at 10:00 with the blowtorch
- tea-lights having provied rather ineffective. As
usual there were a few false starts, but smoking was
well under way within 20 minutes. The first day of
Spring was conveniently frosty so there would not be
any problems with temperatures high enough to promote
spoilage. At 22:10 the last short leg of the spiral
had been reached, so I left the smoker to burn out.
Again it was a frosty night so I wasn't worried about
leaving the fish in the smoker overnight. Sunday 2 MarchAfter the ignition hiccups yesterday I thought I'd be
clever and pile the dust quite high over the ignition
ramp. I lit this very easily with the blowtorch but
the adjacent leg of the spiral caught fire too! I blew
this out and sprayed it with water, but when I checked
at 09:00 both legs of the spiral were going strong -
the inner one smouldering at both ends so I was
actually getting three times the normal quantity of
smoke! I scraped the L-shaped area clean, making sure I
got all the red-hod cinders out, and continued the
smoking. By 13:00 the smoulder point had almost
reached the break, so I filled this with dust. By
15:00 the 'repaired' section had burned away, and
smoking continued normally until shortly after
19:00, giving a time of 10 hours 50 minutes. Added
to yesterday's time, this made a total smoking
time of 22 hours 50 minutes. The fish on its rack
was transferred to the garage fridge. This 'error' has given me an idea: if I want to
give my fish a more intense smoking I could light
the dust at both ends and wait for the smoulder
points to meet in the middle. Or, as with the
mistake, light two separate bits to get three or
four smoulder points... Monday 3 MarchAt 09:00 I brought the fish into the house,
wrapped it in film and weighed it: 350 grams. It
was quite stiff (though not as stiff as the
previous fish) and a good dark orange colour, but
the weight loss was only 12% - nowhere near the
20% needed for long-term preservation. This must
have been due to the mess I made of the curing
stage. I haven't tried this fish yet, as we're are still
eating the previous piece, which we both agree is
excellent. Wednesday 5 March 2014